There is a wonderful restaurant in North Scottsdale, Arizona called "Sassi". About 6 months before they opened we were still living in Salt Lake City. We subscribed to a local Arizona magazine, Phoenix Homes & Gardens, were I was fortunate enough to watch their pre-opening marketing strategy! In any other circumstance I wouldn't really notice or follow a marketing strategy, however, in this case my memories of my first best friend were involved! My childhood was full of love from our cute & cuddly little toy poodle named Sassy! She was the love of my life, so naturally, when I was in the process of selling my passion, our Restaurant Absolute, it came naturally to follow the passions and dreams of a new restaurant called Sassi!

I invited my chef Anders and a good friend, Ann Marshall, who was in Scottsdale for a convention, to Sassi just after they had opened! Our evening was full of surprise when we tasted at least 15 different dishes!! I had to return, because their Oxtail Ravioli was so fantastic!! On our second visit, my brother Jay and his wife Yvonne joined Staffan and I but unfortunately they didn't offer the Oxtail Ravioli! So disappointed, I had to go home and make my own, hence my interruptation of their Oxtail Ravioli!

Enjoy with a nice Pinot Noir or a Zinfandel!


45 minutes prep time, 31/2 hours cooking time

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